Stellar VBS 2024

Stellar — Vacation Bible School 2024 Monday, August 12 to Thursday, August 159:00am to 11:30am Blast off with the Starship Aldersgate on a cosmic, faith-filled adventure at this year’s ‘Stellar’ VBS! Join us for four days of fun, friendship, and faith as we...

Pentecost Sunday

Let’s come together this Sunday, June 5 (Pentecost Sunday) “On the day of Pentecost, all the believers gathered together in one place.” (Acts 2:1). One Service at 10:00 AM Picnic afterward. Hot Dogs, Potato Chips, Beverages will be provided. Wear...

New Hearing Loop

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??!! To all our folks who wear hearing aids, GOOD NEWS!!! The wire you may have noticed on the floor is a “sound loop”. Linked to our microphone system, sound is converted to electromagnetic waves which can be picked up by your hearing...

New Pastor Appointed to Aldersgate UMC

Pastor-Sung-Ho-Lee-handout-.pdf (495 downloads ) Bishop Mark Webb appoints Pastor Sung Ho Lee to serve at Aldersgate UMC effective July 1, 2018. Sung Ho and Jung Lee Sung Ho Lee was born and grew up in Korea. Upon completion of college education in chemical...

Crafting Unlimited Workshop February 2018

Aldersgate Spring Crafting Workshop Bring your favorite craft project – paper, fiber, fabric, or whatever your medium – for some quality craft time among friends new and old. Fundraiser for Aldersgate United Methodist Church 4115 Dewey Avenue, Greece, NY Friday, May 6...