The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16b
I am inviting us to a time of prayer. We need to take prayer more seriously as individuals and as a church. Prayer changes things. It changes those who pray and when the righteous (those who believe in Jesus and thus are in a right relationship with God) pray persistently in the name of Jesus, we can’t even begin to imagine what God will do. Throughout the Bible there are countless examples of people praying. Even Jesus prayed. If we believe God answers prayers, why don’t we pray more? It’s time we acted on what we believe.
In 1Timothy 2:2, we are instructed to pray “for kings and all others who are in authority.” With the election upon us, it is important that we pray for the election process that God’s will be done. Then after the election we must pray for whoever is elected whether or not they are our choice.
In November our thoughts turn toward giving thanks. These too are important prayers because they remind us that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from our generous God.
I also encourage you to take ten minutes every day during November to pray for the church. Ask God to guide us into the future. Pray for the leadership. Pray that we might be a light for our community, that we might see where God is already at work and join God in it. Pray for someone you know who isn’t part of a faith community and for an opportunity to invite them to Aldersgate. Ask God to bring worshipers and more souls to Christ through Aldersgate. Ask God to supply our resource needs. Pray for the various programs of the church—youth ministry, Christian Education, women’s ministry, visitation ministry—just to name a few. I’d also invite you to join us for prayer for the church each Sunday morning at 8:00 AM in the parlor.
Let November be a special time of prayer for each of us and for Aldersgate. Pray, pray, and pray some more and let’s see what God does.
Blessings and prayers,