Summer 2024: Friday, August 9 (12:30 PM – 9:00PM) & Saturday, August 10 (9:00 AM – 9:00 PM)

Bring your favorite craft project — paper, fiber, fabric or whatever your medium — for some quality craft time among friends new and old.

Fundraiser for Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 4115 Dewey Ave., Greece

Registration includes:

  • Individual table space, seated with friends as requested.
  • “Make & Take” project each day
  • May meals: Breakfast, and Lunch (share leftovers for dinner, purchase from a nearby fast food restaurant, go in on pizza with others)
  • August meals: Dinner on Friday, Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday
  • Coffee, Tea, Water and snacks available daily
  • You may bring additional snacks and nonalcoholic beverages. Refrigerator space and microwave available for use.

For more information or to register, contact Karen Sladden (585-455-2920) or Sue Galligan (585-317-3138) or email: [email protected]).

Or register online using the form below and mail your check separately to: Aldersgate UMC, Attn: Karen Sladden, 4115 Dewey Ave., Rochester NY 14616 (please note on the memo line that it’s for the Crafting Workshop).

You can call Karen to pay by credit card!

Registration Form

Registration Options:

Grand Total

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