As I write this it’s the middle of October. It’s a beautiful sunny day. The trees are just beginning to change colors. We are so fortunate in this part of the country to enjoy the change of seasons. It makes every day an adventure. With the coming of Fall, however, we already see signs of the Christmas shopping season. Perhaps this is the year to simplify, to not get caught up in the hype, and to make a commitment to give away an amount equivalent to what you spend on your family. As Mike Slaughter says, “Whose Birthday is it, anyway?” Plan to make a special gift to the Christ through the church or to a favorite charity. I’ve decided that in addition to second-mile giving to the White gifts, I’m considering giving to the Ebenezer Hope Restoration Ministry which is helping refugees in Uganda and Rwanda. I hope to have more information for you in the December Hinge. God is up to something special at Aldersgate by sending us refugees from the Democratic Republic of the
Congo. It will be exciting to see what happens next.
I hope you’ll join us for worship during November. On November 1, we will be having our annual celebration of All Saints Day as we remember those who have died this past year and dedicate memorials. The next three Sundays, the messages will focus on forgiveness. This is an important series for all of us. On November 29, we will have a special Hanging of the Greens
service to begin Advent. Look for more information about that elsewhere in this newsletter.
I hope you are continuing to list the many blessings God has given you. Be sure to take time to thank God for each one you wrote down. Perhaps these can be the basis of discussion and prayer at your Thanksgiving gathering.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Pastor Anne