It’s November already and our thoughts turn toward year-end activities. November could be a dull, dreary month but there is much to celebrate!
On Nov. 2 we will take time during worship to remember and thank God for our loved ones who died during the past year as well as dedicate memorials for the past year.
Be sure to vote on Nov. 4. Thank God that we live in a free country and pray for those who don’t. On Nov. 11, take time to thank a veteran for his/her service.
In November, many of us will begin our Christmas shopping. If you are going to do some online shopping, get connected with UMC Marketplace. If you go through that site to make your purchases, a percentage of your purchase will come back as a donation to Aldersgate. It’s an easy way to share some of your abundance with the one whose birthday we will be celebrating. You can find more information and a link on the church website. This time of year is also a great time for extra-mile giving to and through the Church.
Of course, in November we celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a great time to connect with family and friends and to give God thanks for the multitude of blessings God has bestowed on us. The attitude of thanksgiving should be ours all year, but it’s always good to be reminded of it.
On Nov. 23, we will be receiving our quarterly collection of “Food for Friends” to feed the hungry by restocking the shelves of the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf.
The last Sunday in November (Nov. 30) church begins preparation for Christmas. This is the First Sunday in Advent. Elsewhere in this newsletter, you’ll find more information about the special activities planned for that day.
Rather than bemoan the end of summer, let’s celebrate because God is good all the time! All the time, God is good!
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Anne