Christ is Risen! That changes everything!
It’s still Easter (at least until the middle of the month when we celebrate Pentecost). We would do well to remember that especially as we mourn the deaths of those we have loved. Easter is the confirmation that death is not the final word, that God has victory over death, and that those who die in Christ are alive forevermore in the presence of Christ. Easter also has implications for today. We don’t have to stay stuck in sin and brokenness. Because Christ is alive, we too can live new lives in him so that living or dying our life is in Christ. Thanks be to God!
May is a busy month at Aldersgate. We are in the midst of our “Greater Things” debt reduction campaign. I hope you’ll participate in the various scheduled events including conversations at the parsonage (the church-owned home where Tom and I live), a prayer vigil at church on May 21, and of course making a financial commitment to the campaign. Tom and I are excited about continuing to give and help the church reduce our debt, so we can be freed up for future ministry even as we continue to joyfully support the everyday ministry of church through the commitment we made last fall. It’s such a blessing to be able to give to God through a church where we see God changing the lives of people in a very real way.
Other things you won’t want to miss include the CROP Walk on May 1 as we seek to raise money to fight hunger here and around the world; the Mother Daughter Banquet on May 7 which is always a wonderful time of food and fellowship; and the opportunity to work with others to help spruce up the church on May 14.
On May 15, Pentecost (50 days after Easter and the “birthday” of the church), we will celebrate a baptism and welcome new members. Wear red to church if you have it. May 22 is the culmination of our “Greater Things” campaign when we make our financial commitments and bring our first financial gifts.
I pray you’ll be able to be there every Sunday because without you the family gathering is incomplete.
May God bless you and keep you always,
Pastor Anne