As you read my pastoral letter, it will be the beginning of March. Many might think of March as the start of spring. However, those of us in Rochester understand that March is often too early to expect spring’s arrival.
While writing this letter, I found myself wondering, “When will I see the beautiful flowers? Is it too early here? Could another snowstorm hit Greece again?” Indeed, as someone once mentioned to me, “Pastor Yohang, we sometimes see snow even in April.” Observing the chilly weather, it’s
challenging for me to imagine the onset of spring, bursting with flowers. Yet, we are aware that soon we will witness a transformed world, adorned with beautiful flowers and the vibrant energy of spring.
The changing seasons remind us of Jesus’ ministry and His life, especially His death on the cross and His resurrection, as told in the Bible.
Now, during the Lenten season, a 40-day journey for our spiritual growth,
I encourage each of you to try something for your spiritual development. You might have already been doing many meaningful things towards this goal.
I suggest reading the Bible, focusing on the Gospels, and keeping up with your personal spiritual practices until Easter.
So, I’d like to end my letter with these words from Psalm 1:1-2:
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”
Pastor Yohang