Sunday, February 12, 2017 will be a big day at Aldersgate. At the 11 AM worship service that morning, Bishop Mark Webb will be preaching. You won’t want to miss it! I know you will be blessed by his message. The service will include music from each of our four services. I’m excited because it will be a truly multicultural experience reflecting the Kingdom of God. Worship will be followed by a dish-to-pass meal. I hope you’ll be able to stay for that and show the Bishop some of our Aldersgate hospitality. Please note: We will have our usual service at 9:30 AM.
This might be a good opportunity to invite your unchurched friends to join you at church. Hopefully you have been praying regularly for those you have written on the cards last fall. The Sunday morning prayer group has been interceding for several by name each week. I pray you have also been investing in their lives, spending time with them, looking for opportunities to share Christ’s love with them. Maybe now it’s time to invite them to join you at church. (Be all IN: INtercede (pray). INvest. INvite.) If you think there’s something good happening (I know there is because God is present and the Spirit is moving!) then why not share it with someone whose life would be more joy-filled in a vital relationship with the living Christ? I can’t think of a better way to shake off the mid-winter blahs.
In February, I’m also looking forward to Laity Sunday on Feb. 19 and UMW Sunday on Feb. 26!
Lent begins on March 1. We will hold our annual Ash Wednesday service at 7 PM that evening. Mark your calendar now.
See you at church!
God’s blessings to you and yours,
Pastor Anne