We are now in the season of Advent. This season is the waiting season,
during which we prepare for the coming of Jesus. In this special season, I would like to talk about fasting. Perhaps some of you are thinking, “Why are we talking about fasting in the Advent season, not the Lenten season?”

Yes, generally, in the Lenten season, we talk about fasting and encourage each other to join in fasting to remember the passion of Jesus. According to church tradition, Christians fast two times during two seasons, Lent and Advent. Christians prepare themselves in these two special church seasons by fasting and meditation.

As we know, fasting in the Christian tradition involves restricting intake or certain foods, or not eating at all, for special purposes. Of course, today, even non-Christians fast in order to cleanse their bodies for their physical health.

Fasting that is popular today, focuses on our physical health. Meanwhile, the fasting discussed in the Bible and church tradition mainly focuses on spiritual health, especially intimacy with God. This is the big difference between secular fasting and Christian fasting. Of course, fasting for spiritual purposes can also provide the same physical benefits.

However, the biggest purpose of the Christian fasting tradition is to get out of our primitive human desires, such as gluttony, and go back to God, who can give us spiritual, holy desire, and satisfy with real love, joy, and peace in Christ. Also, fasting is to confess this before the Lord: “Everything comes from you, Lord.”

Protestant churches have not emphasized spiritual disciplines, including fasting, in the season of Advent. So, it is a time for us to restore the meaning of fasting in this season of Advent. Don’t be afraid of fasting. There are a variety of ways to fast in the Christian tradition. Why don’t we start with small ways to have intimacy with God in this special season?

Let me introduce the “Fasting 10 Commandments:”

1. Fasting from harsh words.

2. Fasting from sorrow: fill your heart with

3. Fasting from anger: fill your heart with patience.

4. Fasting from pessimism: fill your heart with hope.

5. Fasting from fear and worry: fill your heart with trust in God.

6. Fasting from complaints: fill your heart with

7. Fasting from stress: restore your heart with piety.

8. Fasting from selfishness: fill your heart with joy.

9. Fasting from hatred: reconcile with others.

10. Fasting from words: be silent and listen.

Pastor Yohang

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