By now I hope you have picked up a copy of this year’s Lenten devotional, Journey to the Cross: 40 days of discovery. Spiritual disciplines are important all the time, but are a particular emphasis of the season of Lent which calls us to walk with Jesus through his suffering and death so we can fully appreciate and celebrate his resurrection on Easter. This year in addition to Bible reading, reflection, and prayer, there is an opportunity to write your reflections. I encourage you to do that and then at the end of Lent look back over what you’ve written. It will help you more clearly hear what God is saying to you. Also as we consider Jesus’ suffering, death, and ultimately his resurrection, we are reminded that even in the face of uncertain times, troubles, illness, and death, we have hope and assurance that God is with us and will see us through.
In addition to personal study and reflection, corporate worship is important to a growing and vital relationship with God in Christ. I know there are lots of things that pull us in other directions on Sunday morning, but I encourage you to make attending worship a priority for God’s sake and for yours.
Other spiritual disciplines to consider practicing during Lent are fasting (it could be refraining from food for a day each week, from chocolate for six weeks, or from something like watching TV or playing computer games), service (taking time to help out somewhere that you normally wouldn’t), giving (making an additional monetary gift to the work of God through the church), and witness (staying open to and taking opportunities to share the difference a relationship with Jesus makes in your life). As we do these things that John
Wesley called, “means of grace,” our lives will be transformed. We will enjoy a deeper and more vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and discover the true joy of following and serving the Lord.
That is my prayer for each of us this season.
Blessings and prayers,