Once again, the summer has flown by. It’s been great. There has been a lot going on at church but the pace has been more relaxed. On August 14, our African community started weekly worship at 2 PM. The service is joyful, the music great, and they translated for us. I encourage you to try it one Sunday.
As much as I hate for the summer to be over, I am looking forward to the fall. Our fall kick-off weekend begins with an opportunity to attend a Rhino’s soccer game on Saturday, September 10 (see p. 3). Sunday, September 11 will kick off the fall programing. You’ll have the opportunity to sign up for small groups and ministries both within the church and in the community.
God is up to amazing things at and through the ministries of Christ at Al-dersgate. God is doing things we could never do on our own. In addition to the African ministry, the Hispanic ministry, the Community Dinner, Grief Share, and others, we have an opportunity to increase our partnership with English Village School. I know God is calling a couple people to help them hold a few short-term, after-school clubs. If God is calling you to this ministry let me know. We also have the opportunity to partner with Lake United Methodist Church in starting Celebrate Recovery. This is a wonderful ministry to help people recover from hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Actually, we all have them so this could be of benefit to each of us. Our prayer is that this ministry will not only benefit church people, but connect people who are not now part of the church with Christ and the church. Even if you don’t plan to be a part of the program, you can help through your prayers and/or service. The kick-off is at 6 PM on Thursday, September 22. Stop over at the Lake Church (4409 Lake Ave between the Parkway and Latta on the west side of the street) for hot dogs and to hear a great Christian band.
The 13-week study called Experience God will be held on Mondays at 7 PM starting September 12. The study requires about ½ hour of work each day and a weekly group meeting. It’s intended to help us know and do the will of God. If you haven’t let me know that you are interested in this study, please call me right away. Class books are $16 each.
God doesn’t expect us to be involved in every opportunity, but God does want each of us to be in worship, Christian fellowship, and serving according to our unique gifts and passions. It’s what abundant living is all about.
In Christ’s love and service,
Pastor Anne