The stories of exodus from the slavery in Egypt and of return from exile in Babylon have never been so real and powerful than now as we are moving out of the realm of COVID-19 and entering into our Promised Land.

It is very exciting. I believe now is the time to move forward. God has been good to us and our church through the pandemic. Therefore, putting our trust in God, let us cross the Jordan River with faith and enter into the Promised Land, a land “flowing with milk and honey.”

As we enter the Promised Land, we must remember another Biblical narrative of returning from exile in Babylon because that is also our story. When the Israelites returned from exile for 70 years in Babylon, they found that Jerusalem lay in ruins. But they rebuilt the city of Jerusalem with their faith in God.

Did I tell you God is leading us into the Promised Land? But for the last 500 days during the pandemic, the church has been ruined. Of course, I am not talking about the physical ruins. What I mean is that the church has not been in full operation for more than a year. Many parts of the church have completely been shut down. Many programs have not been done at all. We have been in the spiritual quarantine during the pandemic. We need to rebuild Aldersgate Church so that we can fill our spiritual hunger with God’s milk and honey and grow and thrive. <p>

Now is the time to rebuild our church. Let us rebuild our worship service to be lively, uplifting, inspiring, relational and welcoming.

Let us rebuild our relationship with one another. During the pandemic, we all have experienced the importance of relationship. My vision is that everyone in Aldersgate Church is connected with one another in the network of love and care, not missing any single person. In this network, we provide and receive what each of us needs from one another.

Let us rebuild our mission and outreach ministry. What we have learned from the pandemic is that there are people out there who are seeking relationship with God, who are spiritually hungry. The harvest is plentiful. What a great opportunity to share the love of God and spread the Gospel of Jesus!

So here is a very important question. Who is going to do the work of rebuilding the church? Pastor, lay leaders, committee chairs, youth director, children’s ministry director? My answer is everyone who belongs in Aldersgate Church! There is something everyone can do to rebuild our church. Someone brings bricks. Another person builds the wall… God is calling us, everyone! Let us say yes to God, “Here I am, Lord!” Let us rebuild our church together. Do you feel God is calling you to do something for Aldersgate Church but you don’t know what to do? Please contact me. I will pray with and for you. God wants us to grow and thrive!

Pastor Sung Ho

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