Back to Church
We will be back to church in August. We will reopen the church. It is not really “reopening” because our church has never been closed. It was the doors and the building that were closed. Worship service, Sunday School, prayer ministry, small groups, caring ministry, outreach ministries and committee meetings have never been stopped. Thank you so much for being so active in ministry in these difficult times.
So it is not really reopening. I would say it is relaunching — doing the same thing in new ways, in different ways. As we resume worship service in-person, we will do worship service in ways different from the way we did before the Corona-virus pandemic — wearing masks, social distancing and so on. Our hope is to go back to the old normal. But we don’t know when. We may not be able to return to the old normal. But don’t be disappointed.
I hope you remember the promise that came from God to prophet Isaiah.
“I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19
What an exciting news! God is about to do a new thing for Aldersgate Church. I want to know what God has for us in His mind? It must be a very exciting plan. I want to be a part of His vision. How about you? I hope you are very excited as well about His plan for us. I hope you also want to join God in doing great things for Aldersgate Church.
We must be open to God for our future. What we see now is only a part of His plan. As we move forward, we may be able to see more clearly for the next steps. God may lead us into a new territory that we have never been to. We must have faith that has the power to move us beyond comfort zones. You know this is our theme for this year – Move beyond Comfort Zones
But I also want to remind you of our situation with the Coronavirus pandemic. As we relaunch our ministry in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, safety is more important than anything else. So we must keep a good balance between safety and moving forward beyond comfort zones.
Thank you so much for all you have done for Aldersgate Church and its ministry.
God is doing a new thing. Let us join God in doing a new thing for Aldersgate. Let us move forward. God will be with us and lead us.
I am looking forward to seeing you and worshipping with you in person in our beautiful sanctuary, the home of our faith soon. We will also continue to have our worship ser-vice available online.