Live a Life of Faith!
This is the slogan for 2022. Let us live by faith and let our God work in our lives so we can experience His power.
Actually, this slogan is the continuation of the 2021 slogan, “Grow and Thrive.” When we chose “Grow and Thrive” for 2021, we did it with our faith in God. Not knowing how the year 2021 would evolve, not knowing much about how COVID-19 would go, we relied on our faith.
Thanks be to God! We can say God has blessed us in 2021. God has blessed Aldersgate Church throughout the year. Praise God! I talked about those blessings in my sermon on January 16. If you missed the service, you can still watch it on the church’s Facebook page.
What can you say about Aldersgate Church in 2022? Can we continue to grow and thrive? I believe so. God desires for us to continue to grow and thrive. Jesus said, “I have come that they [we] might have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
Don’t just survive. Choose to thrive. People say, “Hunker down and just sur-vive in times of trials and difficulties.” But God says, “Grow and thrive.”
What’s the key to growing and thriving? Just do more and work harder? The key to growing and thriving is “FAITH.” When we go with faith, God will work through our faith and His power will work in what we do.
What is the difference between belief and faith?
Belief is an acceptance of something as truth.
Faith is an experience of what you believe.
In faith, what you believe is real in your life.
Faith is the substance (realization) of things hoped for – Hebrews 11:1.
When we live a life of faith, we will experience the power of our God in our reality.
In 2022, let us live a life of faith. Let us put what we believe into action. That’s faith! Then we will experience God working in our lives. God desires us to thrive. Let’s live a life of faith!