It’s already December. Can you believe it? December will go by fast and you would feel it goes by even faster as you have things to do – baking cookies, Christmas gifts, Christmas and end-of-year events, Christmas cards. Yes, I still send Christmas cards. However, I send out much fewer than before.
‘Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la la la la la!’
Oops! I forgot about the Christmas tree and decoration on the things to do list.
‘Deck the halls with boughs of holly…’
Just like I forgot about the tree, it is so easy to forget about what we are celebrating in December. We are celebrating for the best gift in history. Jesus! God sent His Son for us. If you skip or ignore the celebration of Jesus, it would be like you staying in the parking lot for the tailgate party for the entire game, not watching the Bills game at all.
Let us join together in the excitement of waiting for His coming and for the joy of meeting baby Jesus, our Savior. So I invite and encourage you to attend all four Advent services and Christmas Eve service. I also encourage you to invite your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. The service of the Hanging of the Greens on December 1 and the service of Christmas Cantata on December 15 are also great opportunities to invite people to church. Of course, invite them to Christmas Eve service.
As I am excited about the joy of Christmas, I am deeply thankful to God for you and all you have done for God and His church. At the beginning of this year we knew we would face many challenges. But God has richly blessed us and Aldersgate Church. God is good! Hallelujah!
I want you to know this: You have been the channels through which God’s blessings have been delivered. Thank you for investing and sharing your time, talents and treasure. Let us give thanks to God and move forward into a new year in which God will do new things.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!