Christ is Risen!
Aldersgate Church, let us also rise with Him! Let us join together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, singing the Easter hymns with joy and meeting the risen Christ.
When was the last time you worshiped in the sanctuary? One year? Two years? I encourage you to pray about returning to the sanctuary. I understand that some of you have health concerns and others that keep you from coming back to church even though you want to return to the sanctuary. We will continue to live stream our worship services.
Christ is risen. Let us rise also. Come and join together in worship on Easter morning.
- Let us come out of the tomb of fear.
- Let us come out of the tomb of worry.
- Let us come out of the tomb of anxiety.
- Let us come out of the tomb of complacency.
- Let us come out of the tomb of COVID-19.
Christ is risen. Let us rise also.
You are in my prayers as you walk through the journey of Lent.
Lent is a time to focus on our spiritual health and to strengthen our faith by walking with Jesus on his journey to the cross and the resurrection. On this journey, we experience the grace and love of God – For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life (John 3:16).
The principle of spiritual growth is: the more you take time and the more you participate, the more richly you will be blessed with God’s grace and love.
So I encourage you to take time for daily devotions, using the Upper Room or the Cup of Salvation (daily Lenten Devotional) or any devotional of your choice. The Upper Room and the Cup of Salvation are available at the church.
“Focus” version (short version with one key point) of the Cup of Salvation is emailed to you every day. It is also posted on the church Facebook page.
The Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on April 10. Let us come together to celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
In the Holy Week, you are invited to join in the Maundy Thursday service to remember Jesus’ last supper with the disciples. Communion will be served. On Good Friday, we will gather to follow Jesus to Calvary to experience His love for us, His love of giving his life for us.
But that’s not the end. Jesus rose on Easter morning. I can’t wait to sing, “Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!” with you on the glorious Easter morning.