Once again I’m amazed how quickly time goes. It’s one of the reasons we need to live each day that God gives us to the fullest and give God thanks for each day. As I write this there are not many signs of spring, other than daffodils starting to poke through the snow, but soon there will be many. Of course, Easter is the most promising and hopeful sign of new life. Christ rose from death and because of that we know that he is with us now and will be with us through eternity.
Before we celebrate Easter on April 16, we take time to walk with Jesus through his suffering and death. On Sunday, April 9, we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem when people welcomed him with shouts of ‘Hosanna’ and waved palm branches. We also look at the week ahead and his death. On Thursday evening (April 13), at 7 PM, we will gather for worship, see a drama, called the trial, and celebrate communion and Jesus’ last supper before his death. There will also be a service at 7 PM on Good Friday (April 14) for a quiet remembrance of Jesus’ crucifixion. Then, of course, we have the glorious celebration of his resurrection on Easter. I hope you will be a part of all that takes place in this most important week in our Christian faith.
During April there are also several other important days in the life of our community of faith. On April 2, many in our African community will be joining the church. I hope many of those who attend the other services will come at 2 PM that day to welcome and support them. There are two Sessions of Aldersgate U. I hope many of you will participate in the Discipleship Discussions, especially those who are considering joining the church. The schedule is on page 3.
Another important event that I encourage everyone to attend is “Moving Forward: Step 2” from 9-11:30 AM on Saturday, April 22. On March 18, we brainstormed many ideas for mission and church programs to which God may be calling us. Step 2 is to determine if someone is called to lead an effort and to prioritize which ideas to implement. Even if you couldn’t make the first step, I encourage you to be a part of the next step. One idea that we already decided to move forward on is a Community Garden. See Carol Cobia or let me know if you’d like to be a part of this great opportunity. You can pick up a copy of the entire list of ideas on the shelf behind the welcome table.
I pray you will have a wonderful April and be blessed by God through the church and the many opportunities to worship and serve the Risen Lord.
Pastor Anne